Category: Uncategorized

  • When I Was Very Young

    When I Was Very Young

    When I was very young – probably around five or six years old – I would regularly keep my Dad company if he went to work at weekends or during school holidays. My Dad was something called a company director. And from what I could tell his job involved driving round to see people and…

  • Hump Day

    Hump Day

    Whenever you set yourself a challenge or a goal, particularly where there is a measurable element (such as time or distance) then there is invariably some stage where you reach the half way point. You reach the hump. The point where, having done the ‘uphill’ half of the challenge, you pass the middle and you…

  • Reasons

    Sometimes, regardless of our intentions, things just don’t go to plan. I made a commitment to a group of strangers a couple of weeks ago. I committed to writing something every day for 30 days and posting it online. It was a commitment I made without any real purpose behind it. I enjoy writing. I…

  • Lessons from Logs (Part 2) – Magic Logs!

    The logs that I had delivered on Friday were magic. They will heat me twice. The first time they heated me was when I moved them from the front of the house to the back and stacked them like I was Swiss! For that hour and a half I was very warm indeed! And the…

  • Lessons From Logs (Part 1)

    Lessons From Logs (Part 1)

    Years ago I used to climb in the Alps. When I visited, particularly when in Switzerland, what I tended to photograph – often more that the mountains themselves – were the immaculately stacked logs outside people’s homes. Swiss log stores are a thing of beauty. Each log carefully stacked by size, neatly aligned and with…

  • Words


    There are somewhere between 600,000 (Oxford English Dictionary) and 1,000,000 (Global Language Monitor) words in the English Language. With that many words to choose from you’d have thought that we’d have a word for everything. But you’d be DELULU if you did! Every year hundreds of new words come into use. And you don’t have…

  • An Apology from the Dark Side.

    I’m not sure I should write this. It might be seen as political. I don’t want it to be. I just want to have a bit of a rant. If that’s the right word. First off, I need to confess something. Something really embarrassing. I don’t work for a living! There. I’ve said it. It’s…

  • Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

    Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

    When I used to work as a solicitor clients would often complain about what they saw as an extortionate hourly rate. And I would tell them to stop worrying about the money (I generally got my client’s costs back anyway, when I recovered their debts) and to concentrate on doing what THEY were good at.…

  • Do You Know What Today Is…?

    Do You Know What Today Is…?

    This morning I decided that I’d like a change of scenery to compose my daily posting. On the way back from dropping my son off at school I stopped at my favourite coffee shop and treated myself to an Americano and a sausage sandwich. Deep joy! I opened my iPad and spent the next half…

  • Learning Curves!

    Learning Curves!

    It’s only easy when you know what you are doing! However intuitive people make their products, there is still a learning curve. I want to send an email promotion to past guests of mine at my holiday cottages in Snowdonia. You know the sort of thing – “Thanks for coming. It’s now winter. Here’s a…