Just Random Shit!

  • Houses to Hotels

    Houses to Hotels

    Like most kids I grew up in my parent’s house. When I was younger my Dad would often say, “You treat this place like a bloody hotel!” I was never really sure what he meant, since the only hotels I’d stayed in were places like guesthouses in Blackpool, where the comparisons with Fawlty Towers were…

  • Death and Taxes!

    Death and Taxes!

    Why is it so difficult to switch from a mindset of asset acquisition to one of asset depletion? We spend our working life focussing on asset acquisition and growth yet if we are to not render our work worthless at some point we need to switch our focus to that of spending what we have…

  • Why Have One Thing When You Can Have Three?

    Victorian gentlemen were impeccably dressed. Every day their valet would press and arrange their shirts, trousers and ties. They would heat the heavy iron on the stove and using a cloth carefully eliminate every crease from each item in turn. In modern times we have a steam iron that presses clothes perfectly in a fraction…

  • Atoms and Stories

    Atoms and Stories

    We are all just stories. A collection of atoms and the stories of what those atoms have done while they hung out together in the form of us, for a brief period, along a path called time. We are real. For now. But the key word is now, because the ‘you’ that was real when…

  • Volunteer Remuneration Strategy

    Always remember to pay your volunteers well. If that seems like a contradiction or an oxymoron then bear with me. If you think that volunteers are people who give their time to you and ask for no payment in return then you are wrong. They want no financial remuneration but that doesn’t mean that they…

  • Remember to Ask

    Remember to Ask

    The woman behind the counter of the supermarket rang the bell at exactly 11am this morning. I didn’t notice because I was in the middle of a conversation with a colleague in the café. I also didn’t notice when everyone around me went quiet. I carried on explaining the thing that I was talking about.…

  • Intelligence


    Are you scared that the machines are taking over? Are you afraid of what is coming? A lot of people are. A lot of people are really frightened that artificial intelligence will decimate jobs. Yet at the same time we sometimes seem to do everything we can to help the AI take over, often by…

  • When You Can’t Un-See Something

    Street furniture isn’t something I’ve ever paid a great deal of attention to. Public seating, park benches and the like are just things that are there. Recently at Preston train station I sat on one while I waited for the 0600 to London Euston. It was good. It was just a bench on the platform.…

  • The Gift Graph

    The Gift Graph

    Yesterday my 17 year-old son asked me, “How much is the right amount to spend on a gift for someone”. It’s my birthday tomorrow and he saw me eying up a 4.5kg Toblerone in Costco after we’d been to get his eyes tested! He elaborated on his question, “If you could spend loads of money…

  • Happiness – One Piece at a Time

    Happiness – One Piece at a Time

    Today I crossed a line. An invisible line that for centuries has been a boundary between rivals. A boundary over which wars have been fought, wars which changed the history of not only the nation, but of the whole world. A bloody line drawn between members of the same royal bloodline. Where kings were made…