Category: Uncategorized

  • Why Destinations are Shit!

    Why Destinations are Shit!

    The journey is the bit where the stories come from. Stories don’t come from the destination. Stories come from the journey to get there. When I cycled from John-O-Groats to Lands End in 2011 there is only one story that I tell from the destination. And that is about the remarkable fact that they party…

  • Why Do We Think That 1 + 1 = ½ ?

    Why Do We Think That 1 + 1 = ½ ?

    When I first set up my business it was just me. Despite being a grandly titled as a ‘solicitors practice’ the reality was that I was just a sole trader selling my time. The same as just about every other freelancer. I was good at what I did. My clients liked me and I got…

  • Why Failure Isn’t The Opposite of Success

    Why Failure Isn’t The Opposite of Success

    Everyone thinks that the opposite of success is failure. Whilst that may be true in a dictionary, it isn’t true in business. On the scale of failure to success there are billions of little stages. When we dither about delegating it’s because we fear that the other person will fuck it up. We are scared…

  • The Joy of Being Wrong

    The Joy of Being Wrong

    In 2013 I stopped going into the office. I sold the bulk of my shareholding in the company I had founded 13 years ago to my partner, Richard. I kept a small share which I hoped would provide me with a modest passive income and agreed that over the next few years I would extract…